In 2010, two young physicists – Nikita and Anton – disrupted option market making at MOEX. Their in-house developed trading system and algorithms were making 30% of market volumes in index options in average.
Later in 2015 they decided to scale up to new markets. That is how Àlber Blanc was started.
Later in 2015 they decided to scale up to new markets. That is how Àlber Blanc was started.
Anton Babushkin
The mastermind behind our systems architecture, Anton designed and led the development of our trading system, databases, analytical and monitoring tools written in Python, Java, and C++.
Nikita Masyukov
The founding father of our algorithmic trading approach, Nikita provides a vision for our trading team and helps us all set priorities. He also advises on the development and improvement of new and existing algorithms.
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