Market Data Analyst
This role requires frequent interaction with quantitative traders, system developers and network infrastructure team to ensure the best performance of trading.

Tasks will be related to the quality of market data delivery and processing, real-time latency tracking and elimination, incident prevention and research for bottlenecks in our trading system, as well as setting up troubleshooting goals for other engineering teams.
We’ll trust you:
- Support the proprietary trading system – explore and manage market data delivery, check systems and trading metrics and proactively improve them
 - Monitor several sources (logs, alerts, metrics) to detect, analyze and troubleshoot performance issues
- Investigate issues and perform immediate recovery (when possible) or report to other teams
- Analysis of time series network and exchange protocol captures and controlled experiments that measure impact of calculated changes to performance
- Explore the details of specific markets, research exchange features and improve fill rate of our software-based trading strategies
We’re looking for:
- BS/MS degree in Computer Science from top-tier university, system vision and willingness to deeply understand what is going on inside the system
- Proficient in statistics (distribution function, histogram, quantiles, methods of statistical hypothesis testing)
- Experience with Linux and supporting highload back-end as well as ability to collect and interpret network and/or financial market data
- Proficiency with Linux console (Grep/RegEx are the most needed), scripting (Python/Bash), SQL-queries and monitoring/log analysis tools (Grafana, Graylog, Prometheus)
- Good understanding of Networking concepts (DHCP, HTTP, TCP/IP, UDP, WebSocket, REST, Routing, etc.)
- Strong interpersonal skills, ability to manage multiple tasks and thrive in a fast-paced team environment
Talents are our main asset
We do everything to make our employees feel good: so that everyone at Àlber Blanc can fully devote himself to  what he loves and unleash his potential. From our side we will take care of your comfort.
Working place
Àlber Blanc CAPITAL Group has offices in Cyprus, Switzerland and Netherlands. The majority of our team is located in Limassol and occupies a comfortable open space, facilitating the exchange of ideas and collaboration on projects.

Excessive bureaucracy and formalism are alien to us, we have abandoned the dress code and fixed schedule. We trust employees, provide freedom of action and do not interfere in the creative process.
Want to join us?
We will always find vacant places for talented people.
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